Hi, my name is Lyn and I am an intuitive tarot reader navigating my own personal path as a partner, mother, sister, friend, and coach.

Imagine uncovering a truth, feeling a sense of empowerment, breathing relief and finding hope, or simply experiencing wonderment. Experiencing a Tarot reading is like a chat with a good friend, someone you’ve known your whole life - your higher self.

I grew up in a big family of believers in anything mystical, magical or other-worldly. It wouldn’t be unusual to be at a family gathering where a pendulum was pulled out, or a Tarot reading was needed to understand why someone felt stuck, or if a recent love interest may be “the one”.

Tarot is amazingly insightful, especially when you can’t find answers anywhere else. It doesn’t give you answers in a traditional sense, but provides insights allowing you to follow your own chosen path - eyes wide open.

Go to a doctor if you’re ill, call a lawyer when you need legal advice, and when you can’t find what you need, call me. I’m here to help.

Photography by Jennifer Hill